Jadeed Dastgir Ideal High School is the first school in Pakistan, which is introducing project-based computer curriculum (Technokids). Technokids Computer Curriculum is a set of technology projects for students.
What Does Project Based Learning Have to Do with Technology Integration?
Project based learning is an instructional approach that lends itself easily to the creation of projects. A project is an open-ended assignment that uses technology to create a unique product that is student-driven with the goal of achieving specific learning objectives from multiple subject areas. Throughout the learning process, technology is used to acquire, organize, demonstrate and communicate information. The seamless integration of technology into each stage of the project creates a meaningful learning experience.
Benefits to Integrating Technology into Curriculum using Project Based Learning:
The integration of technology adds another layer of learning that must occur. There are many benefits to integrating technology into curriculum using project based learning:
- offers multiple ways for students to participate and demonstrate their knowledge.
- accommodates different learning styles.
- encourages the mastery of technological tools.
- prompts students to collaborate.
- offers a learning experience that draws on creative and critical thinking.
interdisciplinary activities target learning objectives from multiple subject areas. - simulates real problems to have students actively devise solution.
- creates learning opportunities based upon student interest and strengths.
- engages learner by offering a meaningful activity.