With his love for learning and his goal to train the teachers in his chain of schools, our Vice Chairman, Mr. Allauddin Jameel has become the Founder and Executive Member of Teachers Learning Association.
TLA is a professional forum which promotes effective teacher education as an ongoing commitment. It aims to reach out to strengthen the teachers through teacher training programmes in diverse subject areas. It aims to facilitate access to new methodologies and creative teaching practices, through short courses, seminars and workshops.
1st TLA Annual Conference 2019
October 19, 2019
Crescent Model School Lahore
Many stalwarts of Education presented on the 1st TLA Conference. Majority of JDIHS teachers not only attended the Conference but we also have the privilege to send four presenters to present and conduct workshops in this conference.

2nd TLA Conference – Online (SEP 5 2020)
The journey of teacher training did not stop even with the spread of pandemic. So, the 2nd Conference of TLA was conducted virtually. This time again JDIHS teachers quenched their thirst of learning by attending maximum sessions. Moreover, our staff has also been the facilitators and moderators for many of the worthy presenters.